Knitting and Knotting Love


Knitting and Knotting Love

Moderated by Erica Scourti

Sat, 02.02.2019 18:0019:30
Passes and Single Tickets

How have networks influenced love—and how does love traverse networks? Shaka McGlotten has been exploring affective encounters, erotic desires, and queer forms of relating in social media for more than a decade. Looking into the movement of dreams, bodies, and discourses, they have been studying the intensities and intimacies that manifest the yearning for a life better lived. In their performative lecture at transmediale 2019, McGlotten tracks a networked experience of love. Their personal experiences will be interwoven with a theoretical engagement with network cultures through feminism and queer studies. Within this context, non-dual tantra is discussed as a technology that can foster innumerous threads among users: affects, moments of joy, and ways of living.

For this event, simultaneous translation to German is available via headphones.
With friendly support from ECHOO Konferenzdolmetschen.


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